Top 5 domain registrar for .pk domain in 2022


You should pick the best domain registrar for .pk domain to get a simple to-utilize, cheap, and particularly safe domain name for your business site. For the most part, the .pk domain can be straightforwardly registered with PKNIC. Notwithstanding, PKNIC has authorize different registrars to sell the cheap .pk domain because of the expanded interest for domain names from one side of the country to the other. A domain registrar sells you the domain names and deals with its data in the vault data set. The registrar can play out its tasks provided that ICANN authorizes it.

Measures for the best domain registrar

While searching for a domain name of your decision, you should realize that ICANN hasn’t authorize each domain registrar to sell each domain name expansion. Besides, every domain supplier contrasts in its administration strategy. For instance, a few registrars offer free addon administrations though, some give low costs to a domain name as a rebate. Thus, when you search for your domain registrar to register pk domain, you should keep the accompanying to you.


Regularly, the cost is the most importantly thing you should check with your domain registrar for .pk domain. All the more significantly, it might be ideal assuming you were vigilant that a few registrars charge low forthright costs; nonetheless, their reestablishment charges increment.

You can get at least 1-year domain name registration. Notwithstanding, a few organizations might permit you to register for 2 or 10 years.

Domain lapse strategy

As domain names are registered for the said time, you should follow along and restore your domain on schedule. Moreover, you can likewise settle on auto-restoration of your domain. You can lose your domain name to another business or even your rival with a slight mix-up. Consequently, concentrating on the domain lapse strategy is astute on the grounds that a few registrars offer some elegance period after the termination.


Whether or not you want any addon administrations, when you pick your domain registrar for .pk domain, you should check their addons. Knowing what you can have is helpful 100% of the time. These additional items might incorporate domain stopping, security, expanded lapse strategy, and a few registrars considerably offer free domain names with their facilitating plans, like Navicosoft.

Nonetheless, when you register pk domain, you should check on the off chance that they have really taken a look at any extra administrations all alone. From that point forward, it will just add to your charges, for example, $14.99 each year.

Secret expenses

Finally, when you buy pk domain, you should guarantee that there will be no secret charges. For instance, they might charge you extra for reestablishment or domain move, and so on

The best domain registrar in 2022

A cautious decision of registrar assists you with ensuring your image name and security. Moreover, it might work with you with domain move too. The primary prerequisites set by the ICANN to buy the domain incorporate the name of the honor, CNIC duplicate, email address and contact number, postal location, association declaration, name and letterhead of the foundation/dept, and mark of the CEO, and so on

In view of the rules for the best domain registrar for .pk domain, we have gathered the accompanying rundown of the first rate domain name suppliers for you to browse.


Working in Pakistan, the UK, and Australia, Navicosoft has acquired its name as the first class web facilitating and domain office. It offers the accompanying choices to buy pk domain, for example,


• .pk





You can rapidly get your pk domain name registered for Rs. 2631.00/year, which is just around 14.89 USD. In any case, the office additionally offers free domain names on the off chance that you pick to buy their facilitating bundle. Likewise, there are precious stone pk, supportive of pk, Mega-pk, and bronze-pk facilitating bundles that beginning from Rs. 7000/year. In conclusion, when you look at, you might wish to get the DNS the board presented for quite a long time by Navicosoft completely free alongside your domain.


The second most ideal choice among the best domain registrar for .pk domain is the hostbreak. You can register the accompanying pk domains.


The organization offers 6 unique bundles with limits for pk domain names. The bundles start from Rs. 1650/2years and go up to Rs. 2200/2 years alongside esteem offers with facilitating plan.

Hostbreak invests wholeheartedly in ensuring that they don’t charge any secret expenses. Besides, they support different installment strategies like JazzCash, Easypaisa, Upaisa, MasterCard, PayPal, and VISA. Subsequently, it settles on a solid and most loved decision for your domain registrar.

Committed to giving the cheap pk domain and web facilitating administrations in Pakistan, consistently stays up with the latest. Presenting with quality domain registration and facilitating arrangement, is an exceptionally serious domain registrar known as the authority Gold Channel Partner and the PKNIC. Following are the accessible pk domain expansions.


This multitude of domain expansions are accessible for Rs. 2500/2 years. Furthermore, guarantees that each domain is upheld with complete board organization. Nonetheless, it doesn’t offer free DNS the board as an extra.

.pk domain

.pk domain positions among the exceptional domain registrar for .pk domain. Approved by PKNIC, .pk domain furnishes you with a wide assortment of .pk domains to look over, as you can buy any .pk domain from them. In addition, it hangs out in its valuing that they sell the domain at costs even lower than the PKNIC vault itself. Moreover, the organization holds the distinction to have assembled dependable relations with the vault.

Costs for all the .pk domain are practically something very similar, nonetheless, some might vary somewhat, for example, follows.

PK Rs.2289/2Years Rs.2289/2Years Rs.2849/2Years Rs.2289/2Year Rs.2289/2Years Rs.2289/2Years Rs.2500/2Years Rs.2500/2Years Rs.2500/2Years Rs.2500/2Years Rs.2500/2Years Rs.2500/2Years

.GOK.PK Rs.2500/2Years

On the off chance that you look for domain move or recharging of your .pk domain, the charges will contrast from the rundown above.


Serving starting around 2002, WEBsouls is our last passage to the rundown of solid domain registrar for .pk domain. The organization’s slogan shows the main thought process “We make client, No Sale”. You can have an assortment of choices for your .pk domain in same value Rs. 2550/2 years. Following are a portion of the domains you can have from WEBSouls.


Fundamentally, WEBSouls works with you with domain move absolutely for nothing so you might have your site moving along as planned. Consequently, it fits the bill for the best domain registrar for the .pk domain for its sensible estimating and client driven methodology.



I'm Chris Harry, a Digital Marketer at Navicosoft
I'm Chris Harry, a Digital Marketer at Navicosoft

Written by I'm Chris Harry, a Digital Marketer at Navicosoft

Navicosoft is a dynamic Digital Marketing Agency and one of the leading hosting providers.

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